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How Do I Get My Keys Out of A Locked Car?

Keys Locked in Car

a black suv parked on a street.

How to get your keys out of a locked car

Here at Power Locksmith, we have all the proper tools to open your car safely without damaging the car door or window.

We start by inflating

a balloon to open a space between the car door and the body of the vehicle

a person holding a black bag with a blue blower attached to a car door.
a man holding a hose to a car door.

Gently pump

the air bag by hand until there is a crack wide enough to access the inside of the car


A rod is inserted into the space created by the air bag

a man looking out a window of a car
a man holding a green tube on a car window.

Guide the rod

Towards the locking mechanism of the inner car door

Door is open

without any damage to the car

a man getting into a car.